
A Workforce That  Works for Everyone

Located within an easy commute for residents, we are conveniently situated in the middle of an abundant, highly skilled workforce that is equipped to learn and grow.


Residents living within a 45-minute commute


Median home price in Kern County


Employees currently working at the center

Connecting to Tomorrow’s Workforce

A low cost of living combined with abundant and growing job opportunities make the Central Valley a place where people want to live and work.

  • Number 1 metropolitan area for fast-growing workforce
  • Among the lowest labor costs in Central California

Wonderful Career Center

A cutting-edge training center designed to prepare the workforce of the future and place them within the region.

  • Partners with Bakersfield College to create and lead in-depth technical training programs
  • Training classes are available to tenants and open to all Central Valley residents
  • Training graduates are primed to be excellent potential employees at companies within Wonderful Logistics Center and beyond

Have Questions?

We’re Here to Help

Whenever you have questions, consider us at your service.  We’re committed to providing you with answers in a comprehensive and timely manner to ensure that you get all of the information you need.